Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Crazy Handlebar set up...

Saw these at Hubbard & Cravens at 49th & Penn in late August. I honestly couldn't figure out how it all worked. Lovely though.

I'm #

Not really, but I do love this every time that I see it. It's on the inside of an ancient elevator in Indianapolis, can anyone name that builiding?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ride Your Bike

I asked Matt Kelm to design a Ride Your Bike poster. He's an amazing designer and did a great job with his illustration, all by hand. He's much more detail oriented than I could ever be. I made a rectangle and reversed the type out to fit the space a bit better and to be a bit closer to my original design. I screen printed about 30 of these and sold almost every one through Flatland Kitchen. They've gotten rave reviews, mostly because again, Matt is better than me. He actually submits things, which always helps with recognition. These pictures are from Matt's site;

Farm Signs.

I really like signs. I found these while visiting family in Northern Indiana.

Fixing a Chair

My wife sat on our son's wood and masonite chair. It cracked. I replaced the Masonite w/ Acrylic. Here's how it all looked.